Digital Story: Use of Photovoice in Ecological-Community Psychology

Published by anaantunes on

This Ecological-Community Psychology masters thesis utilizes a form of participatory action research called Photovoice wherein participants co-create photos which are physical sites for learning and sharing information.  The thesis aims to understand the varying experiences among survivors of sexual violence on the Michigan State University campus in order to better assess the level of support provided by the campus-community to the diversity of survivors.

Participants in the thesis project (survivors of sexual violence) assembled the photos and narratives and created a digital story, a video compilation of their lived realities. This digital story was shown at two different events, planned by the masters student (now doctoral student) who wrote the thesis and the participants. One event was a tightly knit survivor community of other survivors, campus-community activists, allies; the other event was open to the entire Michigan State University community.

Read more and watch the video here


Katherine Cloutier

Shari Murgittroyd

Allegra Smith

Sharon Marie Hakim

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