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New URBAN Hartford Node is Formed

Published by Celina Su on

The URBAN network continues to expand with the formation of the Hartford node, chaired by Dr. Paige M. Bray, Director of the center of Learning and Professional Education under the Institute for Translational Research The creation of the Hartford URBAN node offers the opportunity to expand connections within academic and community-based arenas for collaborative purposes.  Establishing a formal link between Urban Research-Based Action Network (URBAN) and Institute for Translational Research further vitalizes our existing interdisciplinary research efforts by: a) Bringing regional and national URBAN network insights to established relationships between community members, University researchers and philanthropic organizations, b) Expanding the capacity for mentoring and support, c) Supporting ongoing public dissemination of community engaged, participatory research which presents translational, practical outcomes, and d) Dialogues about ethical engagement and social justice issues through regionally-based forums offered by the Center of Learning and Professional Education.

You can follow the Hartford node on twitter:

Categories: HartfordURBAN