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2018 URBAN Working Papers

Published by Celina Su on

“Towards New Ethics Protocols for Community-Based Research” by Celina Su & “Community Research Ethics in Red Hook” by Maddy Fox, Anna Ortega-Williams, Catherine McBride, and the Red Hook Initiative (access PDF here).


The first piece, “Towards New Ethics Protocols for Community-Based Research,” serves as a brief introduction and templates for community-based research protocols, based on three different scenarios: 1) for researchers working with an established group or organization, 2) for researchers working with community members, and 3) for researchers who are just one of several (or many) researchers working with the same community. The second piece, “Community Research Ethics in Red Hook,” serves as a community response—one that articulates how Red Hook Initiative has developed strategies for negotiating research ethics and maintaining the power of local residents in relation to research. Together, we hope to prompt more sustained conversations, to collectively work towards research protocols that treat community members as participants and co-thinkers rather than subjects, and that achieve “clarity through specificity” on good practices for reciprocity and accountability.