URBAN Philadelphia – community conversation about public education in our city

The recent election and subsequent cabinet level nominations, especially in education, are cause for alarm on many levels. As members of URBAN Philadelphia, we want to provide the space for educators, parents, and concerned residents to engage in conversation about how we can collectively address the challenges that are in store for public education in our city. Please see information on this event below. We hope to see you there. (more…)


Join us for OUR 7th Season of Critical PAR Institutes! The Critical Participatory Action Research Institute is designed to introduce the theory, methods, and ethics of critical participatory action research (PAR) to graduate students, faculty, and members of community based organizations. Through seminars, roundtables, and hands-on workshops with experienced researchers, Read more…

URBAN Gathers for Third National Meeting: “Critical Solidarities and Multi-Scalar Powers”

Urban Research-Based Action Network (URBAN) Gathers for Third National Meeting at The Graduate Center of the City University of New York

On Thursday, March 31st and Friday, April 1st, nearly one hundred scholars, activists, and artists gathered for the third national URBAN conference at the CUNY Graduate Center: Critical Solidarities and Multi-Scalar Powers. (more…)

New URBAN Hartford Node is Formed

The URBAN network continues to expand with the formation of the Hartford node, chaired by Dr. Paige M. Bray, Director of the center of Learning and Professional Education under the Institute for Translational Research http://www.hartford.edu/enhp/community/itr/learning/. The creation of the Hartford URBAN node offers the opportunity to expand connections within academic and community-based Read more…

URBAN Boston Node Updates

URBAN Boston node continues to bring researchers and community members together to work on mutual areas of interest including but not limited to health, housing, education, transportation, and the ability for community members to use diverse data sources and analytic methods to devise evidence-based interventions. Through monthly eblasts and other communications, the Boston node is working to connect the Boston community around engaged research and action. (more…)

From Youth Organizers to Social Justice Activists? Experiences of Youth Organizers Transitioning to Adulthood

From Youth Organizers to Social Justice Activists? Experiences of Youth Organizers Transitioning to Adulthood documents the experiences of former youth organizers in Boston and identifies the ways in which they stay connected to social justice work as young adults. This report also discusses the challenges of staying connected to social Read more…