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Request for Presenters at the John Dewey Democracy and Education Centennial Conference

Published by Celina Su on

Democracy and Education Centennial Conference

The John Dewey Democracy and Education Centennial Conference will take place just before the AERA 2016 meeting in Washington DC — April 7-8, 2016 at the Thurgood Marshall Center. The John Dewey Society is very interested in having scholars from URBAN participate in the Centennial conference. If you are interested in presenting or putting together an URBAN session (panel, symposium, something more creative, etc.), please email Jerusha Conner ( with your name and a rough idea of what you might present by October 27th.

Additional information from session organizers:

Session lengths are expected to be 90 minutes. There will be both general sessions and concurrent sessions. There will be no more than 3 concurrent sessions at any time. We expect participation of @ 200 people. The Marshall Center can accommodate roughly 200-250 for a general session, and the concurrent session rooms can accommodate roughly fifty people each. The special sessions will be concurrent sessions.

The expected time frame for April 7 is roughly 9-5, though that is not yet entirely pinned down. We can continue to use the Center until perhaps 8, at extra cost, and we can cover the extra cost. The time frame for April 8th is 9-12. The John Dewey Society annual meeting begins at 12 sharp in the same meeting room as the Centennial, so we have no lee-way. None of these details are yet carved in stone, but these are our expectations. We will work with various groups to accommodate their specific needs, but it goes without saying that we cannot meet every demand. Ultimately, participating groups will be placed in time slots that work best for the conference as a whole.