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CFP in The Black Scholar: “Black Liberation: From Political Thought to Political Power”

Black Liberation: From Political Thought to Political Power

A Special Issue of The Black Scholar

In the past 15 years, a careful but primarily historical re-evaluation of the Black Power movement in the United States has emerged.  We have seen a proliferation of anthologies, case studies, and essays devoted to outlining its major trends and themes, with an emphasis on marking both its continuities and discontinuities with the Civil Rights Movement.  Such scholarship joins recent work on earlier legacies of black radicalism, stretching back to the beginning of the 20th century and highlighting the relationship of African American activists to the labor movement, socialism and communism, feminisms, and anti-colonial struggles worldwide. This work has helped transform the conventional and flawed narrative that depicts the trajectory of black struggle following the passage of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts and after the assassination of Martin Luther King in 1968 as one of decline and outright failure. Indeed, the increasing frequency of riots, the armed nationalist militancy of groups like the Revolutionary Action Movement and the Black Panthers, and the seemingly separatist turn of organizations like SNCC were interpreted as forms of radicalism incompatible with mainstream paths to racial and social justice. These new studies have forced us to account for the multiple and often divergent ways in which calls for Black Power qua self-determination and autonomy were taken up in specific contexts and conjunctures, spanning the terrains of education, community control, urban housing, guerilla warfare, entrepreneurial endeavors, and more.


JCES Call for Student or Community Partner Authored Manuscripts

The editors of the Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship (JCES) are currently working on a special issue that will feature pieces authored by students or community partners. If you are a graduate student or if you have worked with a student or community partner who might be interested in submitting a manuscript for these sections, please contact Vicky Carter, Assistant to the Editor, at

Download the calls for manuscripts below!

Call for Submissions:  Student Voices

Call for Submissions:  Community Perspectives (more…)

EJOR Call for Community OR Papers

This announcement is for a special issue of the European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), to be co-edited by Michael Johnson, member of the Boston node of URBAN, and his UK colleague Gerald Midgley. Gerald has more than 20 years research experience in community-engaged applications of operations research/management science; Michael has more recently adapted UK notions of community OR to the American OR context.  They have each edited books on Community OR that have consolidated and promoted the field on their own sides of the Atlantic (Midgley and Ochoa-Arias, 2004; Johnson, 2012). Their collaboration on editing this special issue marks a desire, not only to share learning across the USA and Europe, but also to form a truly global research community, showcasing a wide range of international innovations and applications. (more…)

Call For Proposals: “What Went Wrong?”: Reflecting and Learning from Community Engaged Research

Members of the Twin Cities metropolitan area (Minneapolis & St. Paul, MN) in conjunction with the University of Minnesota are convening the first ever “What Went Wrong?” conference from July 11-12, 2014, dedicated to understanding and enhancing community-engaged research practices. The “What Went Wrong?” conference will provide a space for Read more…