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2015 Critical PAR Institutes

Hosted by the Public Science Project at the CUNY Graduate Center, the week-long Summer Institutes on Critical Participatory Action Research are designed to introduce the theory, methods, and ethics of critical participatory action research (PAR) to graduate students, faculty, and members of community based organizations. Through seminars, roundtables, and hands-on workshops Read more…

NYMAPS Collaborative Symposium

On January 20-21, 2015 the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership hosted the 7th annual NYMAPS Collaborative Symposium. Entitled ‘Engaged Scholarship: Fulfilling the Promise of the Public University’, the symposium raised the challenges and possibilities of engaged scholarship, practiced with a commitment to solidarity, in which communities traditionally researched and spoken for, collaborate Read more…

Morris Justice Project

In 2011, neighborhood mothers in the Morris Avenue section of the South Bronx who were outraged by the NYPD’s treatment of their sons, connected with researchers from the Public Science Project, John Jay College, and Pace University Law Center who were interested in studying and challenging unjust policing. The mothers and researchers got together and recruited additional community members to join a collaborative research team, now known as the Morris Justice Project, to document experiences with police. (more…)

Critical PAR Summer Institute

The Public Science Project’s 4th Annual Summer Institutes on Critical Participatory Action Research are designed to introduce the theory, methods, and ethics of critical PAR to graduate students, faculty, and members of community-based organizations AND provide an environment of collective learning and development. Participants are strongly encouraged to bring their Read more…

An Evening in Honor of Marilyn Jacobs Gittell

On Tuesday, November 26th, the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY GC) will host an event in honor of the life and work of Marilyn Jacobs Gittell, a Political Scientist from New York City whose work, grounded in participatory action research (PAR), focused on cities, urban politics, public policy, and social justice. The event will bring together Professor Gittell’s colleagues and partners in this work, students she trained, as well as students currently studying the “Ocean-Hill Brownsville controversy” – a Brooklyn-based social movement, one of the most controversial of its time, that moved governance of neighborhood schools to the African American communities whom the schools purported to serve. This evening of celebration will also serve as the official unveiling of the Marilyn Jacobs Gittell Archive and the launch of a new hub at CUNY GC. (more…)