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our team

national planning team

lead co-chair

Ana Antunes

Assistant Professor of Gender Studies, University of Utah


Chris Benner

Professor and Director, Institute for Social Transformation, University of California, Santa Cruz


Paige M. Bray

Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education, Department of Education, University of Hartford


Julio Cammarota

Professor, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies, University of Arizona


Adrienne Cachelin

Associate Professor, Enviro Studies and Geography, University of Utah


José Calderón

Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Chicano/a-Latino/a Studies, Pitzer College


John Diamond

Kellner Family Distinguished Chair in Urban Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Tim Eatman

Dean Honors Living-Learning Community, Rutgers University- Newark


Barbara Ferma

Professor, Department of Political Science, Founder and Director, University Community Collaborative

prev. co-chair

Michelle Fine

Distinguished Professor, CUNY Critical Psychology/Urban Education and Visiting Professor University of South Africa


Angela K. Fusciante

Founder and Director of Knowledge Designs to Change LLC


Ron Glass

Professor Emeritus of Philosophy of Education, University of California Santa Cruz


Alvaro Huerta

Religion and Public Life Organizing Fellow, Harvard Divinity School


Sarah Hobson

Founder and President of Community Allies, LCC


Joy Howard

Associate Professor, Western Carolina University


Antwan Jefferson

Associate Dean, EDI; Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Colorado, Denver


Michael Johnson

Professor, University of Massachusetts, Boston


Ben Kirshner

Professor and Program Chair, Learning Sciences and Human Development, University of Colorado, Boulder


Rebecca London

Professor of Sociology and Faculty Director of Campus + Community, University of California, Santa Cruz


Steve McKay

Professor of Sociology, and Director of the Center for Labor and Community, University of California, Santa Cruz


José A. Muñoz

Assistant Dean of Student Success, California State University, San Bernardino

Prev. Co-Chair

Celina Su

Marilyn J. Gittell Chair in Urban Studies & Professor of Political Science, City University of New York


Blanca Elena Trejo

Doctoral Student Researcher, University of Colorado, Boulder

Prev. co-chair

Mark Warren

Professor of Public Policy and Public Affairs, University of Massachusetts Boston



Ana Antunes, University of Utah
Sarah Hobson, Community Allies LCC
Joy Howard, University of Southern Indiana


Rebecca London, UC Santa Cruz
Steve McKay, UC Santa Cruz

Urban Planning

Michael Johnson, McCormack Graduate School


Los Angeles, CA

José Z. Calderón, Pitzer College
Alvaro Huerta, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Santa Cruz, CA

Chris Benner, UC Santa Cruz
Steve McKay, UC Santa Cruz
Rebecca London, UC Santa Cruz

Denver, CO

Antwan Jefferson, University of Colorado, Denver
Ben Kirshner, University of Colorado, Boulder


Paige Bray, University of Hartford
Angela Frusciante, Knowledge for Change LLC

Boston, MA

Michael Johnson, McCormack Graduate School

New York City, NY

Michelle Fine, Graduate Center, City University of New York
Celina Su, Graduate Center, City University of New York

Philadelphia, PA

Barbara Ferman, University Community Collaborative


Ana Antunes, University of Utah
Adrienne Cachelin, University of Utah


2025 Research fellows

Ce`Vin V. Barnes, Southern University and A&M Colleges
Claire Bear, UC Santa Cruz
Eleanor Estrada, University of Utah
Alexis Hunter, University of Colorado, Boulder
Josh Lown, Northeastern University
Melanie Plasencia, Rutgers University, Newark
Cait Quirk, University of Utah
Ian Slattery, UC Santa Cruz
LaTresa Williams, Texas A&M University